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Avoid Restaurant Meltdowns! 10 Tips for Eating Out with Young Kids

eating out with young kids

Sure, The Scramble is all about making family dinners happen at home more often (and with less stress!) through meal planning and quick and easy recipes. But we all need a night off sometimes, even if it means eating out with young kids.

Those nights out in restaurants seem to happen more often during the holidays. But it sure doesn’t feel like a night off if junior has a meltdown while waiting for the meal.

To make the most of your family dinners out, read these tips from my friend and acclaimed parenting coach, Amy McCready of Positive Parenting Solutions.  These tips for eating out with young kids will help to make dinner more pleasant and less stressful.  While you’re there, sign up for one of Amy’s powerful FREE webinars, “How to Get Kids to Listen WITHOUT Nagging, Reminding or Yelling!” The information Amy shares is pure life-changing goodness!

10 Tips for Eating Out with Young Kids

1. Practice at home first. In calm moments at home, take time for training before you venture out to a restaurant. Practice proper dinner manners by inviting stuffed animals or friends to a tea party or snack. Role play good choices like sitting still, using utensils and waiting patiently. Don’t forget the importance of emphasizing manners at the dinner table every night – your kids will be better able to follow the rules when dining out when they know what’s expected of them at the table.

2. Choose your restaurant carefully. This may not be the best time to try sushi for the first time at the trendy new place downtown. Before eating out with young kids, be realistic in your expectations. Pick a restaurant where you know your kids will find something they like on the menu, where you can order quickly and receive your food without waiting too long. If your kids are small, try a place where small spills and messes aren’t a big deal – not a fancy place where you’d be worried about the tablecloth and china. Restaurants with more activity may be better so that kids don’t have to try to speak in hushed tones – and the goings-on can give them something to watch, as well. However, keep in mind that restaurants with a lot of TVs can distract kids from conversation or eating their meals.

Click here to see the other excellent, sanity-saving tips.

And, do you have any tips or tricks you use to make family trips to restaurants more pleasant and less stressful?  If so, please share them below.

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