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Simplify with The Scramble!

Simplify with The Scramble 20192018 has been a whirlwind, hasn’t it? So many fast-moving news stories, schedules that never seem to stop, and kids growing before our eyes. As we enter 2019, it can be tempting to come up with a long list of resolutions or goals that will make life better: get healthier, get organized, spend more time with family, get finances under control, the list goes on and on. I don’t know about you, but that growing list just adds to my anxiety and if I don’t accomplish the changes I hoped to see, then it also adds to my guilt. No thanks.

So, as I sat down to think about how The Scramble could best support busy families in 2019, it occurred to me that the thing we could offer would be a one-stop solution that could help to simplify daily food routines and make them more pleasant, all while supporting many of the resolutions that busy parents tend to be drawn toward. Done and done!

So, this year instead of giveaways or prizes, instead of challenges or competitions, we have put together a new program: Simplify with The Scramble.

Simplify with The Scramble

Imagine a family meal where you don’t scramble to figure out what to put on the table, you cook only one meal for everyone, fights over food are avoided, and there is no need for unhealthy, expensive take-out.

Yup, by joining The Scramble now, you will be able to work toward:

  • Getting healthier
  • Spending more quality time with family
  • Saving money
  • Feeling less stress

How can we promise so much?

Because for the first time ever, we are offering not only our online meal planning service that will help you to save time and effort in getting dinner on the table every night, but also a simple system for you to change the dynamics around the dinner table so that family dinners can become a time for pleasurable, meaningful connection. Sign up for a free trial of our meal planning service and you’ll get:

Exclusive access to our NEW video series: Simplify with The Scramble. These 10-minute, “bite-sized” videos, which you can watch anytime that works for you, are designed to help you make dinnertime with kids a success*. We’ll cover:

  • Why family dinners are important and how to make them happen
  • Why kids are picky
  • A new model for feeding your kids
  • How to make dinner and eating fun
  • How to make the food taste good
  • And more!

Let’s make 2019 the year your whole family makes the switch to a happier, healthier lifestyle that will support all of your goals and resolutions for years to come.

Join Us!

Happy New Year!

*Downloadable audio versions will also be available so that you can learn on-the-go!

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