As Mother’s Day has approached over the past few years, I have posed a question on The Scramble Facebook page to determine what moms really want for Mother’s Day. I always love reading through the comments—some are funny, some are sad, and some remind me of just how exhausted we moms often are.

Moms’ answers vary widely! Some want the classic breakfast-in-bed. “Quiet”, “sleep,” or “don’t want to be touched by little hands for the entire day” is all some moms want. A day free of changing diapers and cleaning baby bottles is also a common choice for moms of littles, while some moms of teens and tweens sometimes just want some time together.
It seems that regardless of the ages of our kids, the common thread is that moms ultimately just want to be appreciated (at least for one day) for all they do.
Read on to see what moms really want for Mother’s Day, along with some delicious menu suggestions for those of you looking for ideas for the moms in your life, or for you moms who want to point your family in the right direction.
A Note on Loss
Before going any further, I think it is important to take a moment to note that for some people Mother’s Day is not joyful. For some, Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder of the loss of their mother, either through death or estrangement. For others, it is a reminder of the loss of a child or of the struggles they have faced in trying to have a child.
As Judy L. so aptly put it on our Facebook Page, “Mother’s Day can be very sad for people who are sad about their mothers or for people who have fertility issues, so it isn’t a day of celebration for everyone. It is sometimes a day of reflection.”
If this applies to you, I am holding you in my heart during this time and hope that you are able to find a way to care for yourself.
What Moms REALLY Want for Mother’s Day
I hope you enjoy reading some of the comments that Scramblers left about what moms REALLY want for Mother’s Day. Maybe you’ll find some inspiration if you’re planning the gift or your own hopes reflected below.
Katy E.: For my husband to think of something, plan it, and carry it out.
Anna D.: Quiet
Laura K.: I love to get written notes from my kids and husband. I usually celebrate by taking my own mom out. At 91, she’s the matriarch and gets the attention–as it should be.
Palma D.: I have already put in my request for an entire day of not hearing ANY sentence start with “I want”.
Lisa G.: Quality time with the family from breakfast to dinner. Mother’s Day and my birthday are the only days I can get everyone to walk the dog with me–so we often take a long walk or hike… anything is great as long as we’re all together.
Amy S.: When I had young children, I began to request a day of being in my garden. I wanted to work, plant, enjoy without constant interruptions for juice, diapers, fighting or whatever. The children were invited to be with me in the garden, but all the daily details were to be taken care of with Daddy.
Caroline F.: I love the cards from my kids. I wrote my mother a card every year. Now that she’s not alive it’s more poignant than happy but I love being with my family. I usually have a dessert for moms at night so they can also celebrate each other and have some downtime.
Leslie M.: The day OFF.
Melissa R.: Best Mother’s Day– I played soccer with both my grown kids on my coed team.
Danielle T.: Pink champagne on the deck with my boys and a cheese plate. Simple and happy.
Kirsten B.: I’m going to participate in the Capital Area Food Bank’s Mother’s Day fundraiser! The idea is that you invite people to donate to the food bank and then we send their mother a card letting her know that her child has made it possible for other families to eat healthy food in her honor. I know that personally, I’d be more excited to get something like this than flowers or chocolate.
Beverly H.: The kids not to bicker. No laundry, cleaning or cooking.
Bridgette K.: I go camping with other moms–no kids–we leave Friday. When we get back Sunday dinner and families await.
Jamie L.: A hotel stay at a spa resort for the weekend with room service and spa services already taken care off. With NO PHONE!!
Jen H.: A meal together. Whatever it is, and so long as I don’t have to cook it.
Cori F.: I got the best present last year! I am 70 years old and still work full-time. Leave at 6 AM and get home at 3 PM. Last year as I arrived home, I couldn’t figure out why there were cars in front of my house. My 3 adult daughters arrived at 6:15 AM and SPRING CLEANED MY HOUSE!!
Paula W.: A movie and dinner or lunch with no one touching me or asking me for anything.
Carrie E.: To have my “To Do” list done and to not have to do anything for anyone for the whole day!
Meals for Moms
Looking to do something special for the moms (or wives) in your life? Start the day off right with a delicious meal. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach—I can tell you that applies to many women too!
Moms, if you’re reading this, you can drop a [not so subtle] hint about how lovely it would be to be served one of these breakfasts on your special day. (I won’t tell!)
Cheesy Spinach and Egg Bake
Overnight Baked Blueberry French Toast
Mini Vegetable Quiches
Coco-Nutty Granola (that’s low in sugar and high in protein!)
Leave a comment below sharing what you’d REALLY like for Mother’s Day.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you caring, loving, hard-working, often-exhausted, sometimes exhilarated, Scrambling mamas. Your families are so fortunate to have you in their lives.
If you’re not already a Scrambler, make your life a whole lot easier by using The Scramble’s family-friendly meal plans. Weekly customizable meal plans full of healthy, quick, family-friendly recipes are sent to your email and will take the stress and guesswork out of dinnertime.